For the cost of a cup of coffee, you can register a high school student to vote!

The Youth,
Shaping The
Future. 🗳️

New Voters inspires civic action through mobilizing 80,000+ high school students to vote across the United States.

Students at Pennsylvania State House
Unity March Washington DC
Students at the Pennsylvania House
Students visiting Boston Votes summit.

Taking Action With Us

Advocate 📢

We bring young people to the table to advance legislation that empowers the youth to organize and engage with democracy.

Speak for Change

Register 📝

We support students in promoting change through voter registration drives and our fellowship program.

Promote Democracy

Inform 📚

We inform and inspire young voters through engaging content on civic engagement presented as digestible short-form content.

Learn to Engage
High School Students

Run a Drive With Us

Are you looking to contribute to promoting civic participation in your community? Join 300+ students from across the country who have run drives with New Voters and registered 80,000 students to vote.
Institutions & Researchers

Join Our Network

As a student-led organization, New Voters is partnering with leading research institutions, non-profits, and student leaders to develop standards that promote civic engagement and GOTV efforts among high school students.
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Frequently Asked Questions 🤔

What is a New Voters fellow?
A New Voters fellow is a dedicated high school student who receives one-to-one mentorship and resources to run a voter registration drive at their school. This is a low-commitment way of engaging your local community, gaining community service hours, and getting great leadership experience. Best of all, any teen can join!
How can I get involved?
High school students are always welcome to register to become a New Voters fellow and spread voter awareness to their high schools. We also run intern cycles every spring, summer, and fall which are open to applications from any high school or college student. You can keep updated on when the next cycle will be open as well as general possible position openings by joining our mailing list. If you are representing an organization, click to learn more about our partnerships.
Why does the teen vote matter?
Teens are highly underrepresented in national, state-wide, and local elections, despite making up a significant chunk of the population of eligible voters. Due to lack of voter resources, ability to get a ballot, as well as general non-awareness of the election schedule, our voice and issues that we care about are often voted on and decided by people much older than us. By running voter registration drives and spreading voting awareness to teens, we work to minimize this age gap and ensure that the teen vote counts for our future.
New Voters Origin Story

My peers and I found our voices in politics when the laws of our land said we could, not before we were old enough to vote, and we have not stopped speaking out since.

Jahnavi Rao
President & Founder, New Voters

Our Supporters

Like what you see? 👀

Join us in making a difference today! Sign up for our newsletter, donate, and explore other ways to empower youth voices in our democracy.
